FIG. 3.
Transcriptional analysis of atypical cpb2 genes. Total cDNA, prepared by reverse transcription from RNA, was subjected to multiplex PCR analysis (3), and the amplicons were visualized after electrophoresis in a 1.5% agarose gel. Lanes: 1, 100-bp ladder; 2 and 3, strain 13 cDNA; 4 and 5, JGS1906 cDNA; 6 and 7, JGS4142 cDNA; 8 and 9, JGS1880 cDNA; 10 and 11, NCIB 10784 cDNA; 12, JGS1984 DNA; 13, strain 294 DNA (bovine type E); 14, strain 13 DNA; 15, JGS4142 DNA; 16, no-template control. MMLV reverse transcriptase was added (+) or not added (−) to the reaction mixtures in lanes 2 to 11. The positions of the 655-bp etx, 567-bp cpb2, 446-bp ibp, 324-bp cpa, 233-bp cpe and 196-bp cpb gene products are indicated to the right of the gel.