Schematic diagram depicting AEFC genesis. Section 1: Cementoblasts appear and start to form fiber fringe on the unmineralized dentin. Periodontal ligament fibers are arranged in parallel with the root surface. Section 2: Fiber fringe with maximum density is established. Dentin mineralization reaches the base of fiber fringe and progresses into the fringe. Section 3: Fiber fringe elongates and begins to connect with periodontal ligament fibers. Section 4: The tooth anchorage system, or principal fiber-extrinsic fiber linkage, is established. CB, cementoblasts; ERM, epithelial cell rests of Malassez; FF, fiber fringe; HERS, Hertwig's epithelial root sheath; MD, mineralized dentin; PLF, periodontal ligament fibers; UMD, unmineralized dentin.
Modified from Schroeder [4].