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. 2016 Aug 16;12(2):224–239. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsw118

Table 5.

Significant activations in the contrasts of interest over all participants and between group differences

Side Cluster size (Voxel) Peak voxel MNI coordinates (mm)
Peak Z score
x y z
Emotional vs neutral prosody
Cluster 1 15077
Lingual gyrus R 20 −56 −4 4.79
Planum temporale L −64 −22 12 4.67
Superior temporal gyrus L −62 −22 6 4.57
Planum temporale L −20 −58 −6 4.55
−64 −26 16 4.43
Angular gyrus L −38 −48 20 4.44
Cluster 2 1523
Middle cingulate cortex L/R 10 −2 40 4.33
−10 −10 36 3.66
Posterior cingulate cortex L/R −12 −26 44 3.72
−12 −30 44 3.7
Supplementary motor cortex L/R −10 4 40 3.49
Superior frontal gyrus L/R −8 −36 50 3.38
Complex > basic emotional prosody in controls > ASD
Cluster 1 3169
Planum temporale R 38 −34 10 6.27
42 −30 10 6.14
52 −18 6 4.25
Parietal operculum cortex 44 −34 24 3.9
Planum polare R 46 2 −14 3.78
44 −12 −4 3.56
Superior temporal sulcus R 56 −38 10 2.94
Amygdala R 26 −4 −22 2.74
Cluster 2 2284
Heschl’s gyrus −44 −22 2 4.39
Superior temporal sulcus L −64 −8 −6 4.36
Superior temporal gyrus L −64 −6 0 4.16
Planum temporale L −50 −22 2 3.75
Central opercular cortex L −58 −8 8 3.59
−56 −4 6 3.48
Insular cortex L −38 −4 10 3.08
Gender differences in complex > basic emotional prosody in ASD
Cluster 1 2107
Planum temporale R 58 −18 6 3.97
Supramarginal gyrus R 46 −26 36 3.42
Superior temporal sulcus R 64 −30 4 3.35
Superior temporal gyrus R 66 −32 8 3.33
Planum temporale R 38 −34 14 3.31
52 −30 10 3.22
Implicit > explicit emotional prosody in controls > ASD
Cluster 1 1430
Angular gyrus L −44 −68 44 4.7
−46 −68 40 4.69
−60 −56 26 4.56
Lateral occipital cortex L −48 −68 44 4.48
−56 −62 34 3.94
−58 −64 24 3.81
Cluster 2 1218
Frontal pole L −16 58 4 4.07
−24 48 −10 3.57
−26 48 −4 3.45
−22 68 −8 3.07
Anterior cingulate cortex L/R −6 46 22 3.58
L/R 6 42 20 3.33
Cluster 3 1038
Superior frontal gyrus L −24 36 52 4.17
−20 28 30 4.08
−20 30 26 4
−20 28 22 3.9
−18 36 54 3.76
−14 34 56 3.51

All reported clusters are family wise error cluster corrected for multiple comparisons (FWE) at a statistical threshold of P < 0.05 and a z-value of 2.3.