Representative images of ground thick plastic sections of the first molar (A-C) and incisor (D-F, at the level of the first molar) from the left mandible from 32-week-old Slc13a5+/+ (A, D), Slc13a5+/- (B, E) and Slc13a5-/- (C, F) mice. The first molars (C) and incisors (F) of Slc13a5-/- mice lacked mature mineralized enamel when compared to Slc13a5+/+ and Slc13a5+/- mice. Unmineralized to poorly mineralized aberrant matrix was present where mature enamel should have been located (F, arrows). Stevenel’s blue. Black arrows in A-B, D-E = mature enamel, black arrows in F = unmineralized (blue green material) or poorly mineralized aberrant enamel matrix. d = dentin; p = pulp.