Maternal plasma V3-specific IgG responses to linear V3.B wild-type and V3.B K305Q I307T H308T and V3.B/D F317L A319T D322R mutant peptides and their association with MTCT risk. (A) Maternal plasma linear V3-specific IgG binding responses to V3.B wild-type peptide in nontransmitting (NT; blue) and transmitting (T; red) women. (B) Maternal plasma V3-specific IgG responses against triple-mutant V3.B K305Q I307T H308T peptide in NT and T mothers. (C) Maternal plasma V3-specific IgG responses against V3.B/D F317L A319T D322R in NT and T mothers. The horizontal lines represent the median MFIs, and the boxes depict 25 to 75% MFI against each peptide. The error bars depict ranges. The V3-specific MAb CH22 was used as a positive control (mean MFIs at 5 μg/ml, 25,711, 8,713, and 25,240 for V3.B, the V3.B K305Q I307T H308T mutant, and the V3.B/D F317L A319T D322R mutant, respectively). Normal human serum was used as a negative control (mean MFI at 1:500 dilution, 100). (D) Odds ratio plot depicting maternal linear V3-specific IgG binding responses against each V3 peptide and association with MTCT risk. Raw (p) and FDR-corrected (FDR p) P values are shown.