Fig. 3.
Percentage of oxygen consumed by State IV+ in relation to OXPHOS in permeabilised heart muscle fibres of Polar cod (B. saida, panel a) and NEAC (G. morhua, panel b). Different letters within the panels indicate significant differences (p <0.05) between temperature treatments; lower case letters: control PCO2 (400μatm), upper case letters: high PCO2 (1170μatm), * indicates significant differences (p <0.05) between CO2 groups at the same temperature. All values are reported as means ± S.E.M. (for n refer to Table 1). Open symbols: control PCO2 (400μatm), filled symbols: high PCO2 (1170μatm). Circles: Polar cod, Squares: NEAC. Blue box: cold shared incubation temperature (3 °C), Red box: warm shared incubation temperature (8 °C) between the two species