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. 2017 Feb 1;185(3):224–237. doi: 10.1093/aje/kww183

Table 2.

Hazard Ratios for Incident Colon Cancer and Rectal Cancer (Competing-Risks Model) in the Nurses’ Health Study, 1980–2010

Risk Factor Colorectal Cancer (n = 1,759a) Colon Cancer (n = 1,342) Rectal Cancer (n = 376) P Value
HRb 95% CI P Value HRb 95% CI P Value HRb 95% CI P Value Colon vs. Rectal
Age (years; 60 vs. 50) 1.81 1.70, 1.92 <0.0001 1.85 1.72, 1.98 <0.0001 1.71 1.50, 1.96 <0.0001 0.33
Family history of colon or rectal cancer (yes vs. no)c 1.45 1.29, 1.63 <0.0001 1.50 1.31, 1.71 <0.0001 1.26 0.96, 1.66 0.095 0.27
Red meat intake (servings/day per year; 1 vs. 0) 1.01 0.87, 1.18 0.87 1.02 0.86, 1.21 0.81 0.99 0.70, 1.40 0.96 0.88
Processed meat intake (servings/day per year; 1 vs. 0) 1.11 0.92, 1.33 0.29 1.12 0.91, 1.39 0.28 1.13 0.75, 1.71 0.57 0.98
Folate intake (µg/day per year; 600 vs. 200) 0.83 0.74, 0.95 0.004 0.85 0.74, 0.97 0.021 0.77 0.58, 1.02 0.071 0.55
Smoking history (total pack-years; 40 vs. 0) 1.20 1.10, 1.31 <0.0001 1.21 1.09, 1.33 0.0002 1.27 1.05, 1.53 0.013 0.64
BMI (units per year; 30 vs. 20)d 1.37 1.19, 1.57 <0.0001 1.32 1.13, 1.56 0.0006 1.50 1.10, 2.04 0.011 0.49
Physical activity level (MET-hours/week per year; 21 vs. 2) 0.61 0.48, 0.76 <0.0001 0.55 0.42, 0.71 <0.0001 0.89 0.56, 1.41 0.63 0.067
Height (inches per year; 67 vs. 61) 1.24 1.09, 1.41 0.001 1.24 1.07, 1.44 0.003 1.24 0.93, 1.65 0.15 0.97
Alcohol (g/day per year; 30 vs. 0) 1.15 0.98, 1.34 0.082 1.08 0.90, 1.29 0.39 1.33 0.96, 1.85 0.088 0.28
Aspirin use (tablets per week per year; 7 vs. 0) 0.78 0.70, 0.86 <0.0001 0.76 0.67, 0.86 <0.0001 0.80 0.63, 1.01 0.060 0.76
Endoscopic screening (yes vs. no; 20 years vs. 0)e 0.74 0.67, 0.83 <0.0001 0.82 0.73, 0.92 0.0005 0.48 0.36, 0.64 <0.0001 0.0008
PMH use (vs. never users)
 Current use 0.87 0.76, 0.98 0.026 0.88 0.76, 1.01 0.075 0.88 0.68, 1.15 0.35 0.97
 Past use 0.93 0.83, 1.05 0.24 0.99 0.87, 1.13 0.89 0.79 0.61, 1.02 0.074 0.12
Calcium intake (mg/day per year; 1,000 vs. 500) 0.82 0.73, 0.91 0.0002 0.80 0.71, 0.91 0.0004 0.89 0.71, 1.13 0.36 0.43

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; MET, metabolic equivalent; PMH, postmenopausal hormone.

a The total of colon cancers and rectal cancers does not equal the total of colorectal cancers due to some cases lacking a verified location.

b For variables whose β coefficients were calculated per year, the relative risk accounts for 40 years (e.g., ages 30–70 years) and for the specified contrast. Relative risk = exp[β (40 years) (contrast)]. For dichotomous variables, the relative risk was calculated as exp(β).

c Family history of colon or rectal cancer in a first-degree relative.

d BMI was calculated as weight (kg)/height (m)2.

e Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.