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. 2017 Apr 14;12(4):e0175794. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175794

Table 5. Comparison of features between COPD patients with incident DM and matched controls.

Characteristics COPD patients with incident DM Matched COPD controls p value
n = 304 n = 304
Age, years 66.5±11.1 66.3±12.1 0.893
 <50 32(11) 36(12) 0.880
 50–59 54(18) 54(18)
 60–69 89(29) 81(27)
 ≥70 129(42) 133(44)
Male gender 222(73) 233(77) 0.304
 Hypertension 187(62) 192(63) 0.676
 Dyslipidemia 15(4.9) 16(5.3) 0.854
 Cerebrovascular disease 66(22) 61(20) 0.618
 Heart failure 40(13) 31(10) 0.256
 Coronary artery disease 90(30) 81(27) 0.417
 Kidney disease 24(7.9) 24(7.9) 0.999
 Liver disease 21(6.9) 19(6.2) 0.744
 Malignancy 20(6.6) 14(4.6) 0.290
Concomitant medications
 ACEI/ARB 90(30) 96(32) 0.597
 β blocker 110(36) 112(37) 0.866
 Calcium channel blocker 129(42) 133(44) 0.743
 Statin 11(3.6) 9(3.0) 0.649
COPD medications
 β2-agonist, short-acting 87(29) 92(3) 0.656
 β2-agonist, long-acting 45(15) 51(17) 0.505
 Anticholinergic, short-acting 30(9.9) 40(13) 0.204
 Methylxanthine 254(84) 256(84) 0.825
 Inhaled corticosteroid 11(3.6) 16(5.3) 0.325
 Oral corticosteroid 72(24) 57(19) 0.137
COPD severity
 No ES or hospitalization 268(88) 281(92) 0.244a
 1 ES 22(7.2) 15(4.9)
 ≥2 ES or hospitalization 13(4.3) 8(2.6)

a p for trend

ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; ES, emergency service