Table 7.
Vibrational analysis of acetaldehyde (AALD) using the internal coordinate system of Pulay [101]. QM frequencies were obtained at the MP2/6-31G(d) level of theory. Frequencies in cm−1.
Mode | MM | QM |
tCH3 | 139.2 | 195.3 |
dCCC | 514.5 | 632.1 |
sCC | 811.4 | 974.6 |
rCH3′ | 828.8 | 916.2 |
rCH3 | 981.3 | 974.8 |
wCHO | 1039.5 | 955.4 |
rCHa | 1268.8 | 1372.6 |
dCH3 | 1386.9 | 1339.2 |
dCH3a | 1410.2 | 1391.5 |
dCH3a′ | 1419.1 | 1407.0 |
sCO | 1722.6 | 1622.0 |
sCHa | 2817.0 | 2823.1 |
sCH3 | 2848.5 | 2933.5 |
sCH3a′ | 2912.0 | 3005.6 |
sCH3a | 2914.6 | 3048.8 |