Figure 9. Glomerular endothelium is protected by SS-31 treatment.
(A–C) Representative images of immunofluorescent CD31 staining for capillaries (red). (A’–C’) Representative images of co-immunoflourescent synaptopodin (Synpo) for podocyte cell bodies (green), CD31 (red) and DAPI to visualize nuclei (blue) in 24m-old untreated mice and 26m-old mice treated with either SS-31 or saline for 8w. Aged baseline (A, A’) and SS-31 (C, C’) treated animals show a more extensive distribution of glomerular capillaries as compared to those treated with Saline (B, B’). (D) Quantification of percentage of CD31 positive area within each glomerulus shows that 24m-old baseline animals and 26m-old SS-31 treated animals have equivalent levels of glomerular endothelial staining in the outer cortex. In contrast, 26m-old saline treated animals have significantly less CD31 staining than either baseline or SS-31 treated animals. These results demonstrate that tuft vasculature is lost between 24m and 26m of age and that SS-31 treatment inhibits the loss of glomerular endothelia. Error bars represent the mean +/- standard deviation.