Figure 1.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) (mls O2/min) of C57BL/6 mice A. at baseline for mice aged 5 months in relation to randomized calorie restriction (CR) grouping and B. in relation to randomized protein restriction (PR) grouping. C. after 3 months CR, in relation to restriction group and D. after 3 months PR, in relation to restriction group. E. change in BMR between baseline and the end of restriction (3 months) in relation to CR group and F. change in relation to PR group. Mice did not differ prior to randomization but in the CR exposed animals BMR was reduced in direct relation to the extent of restriction. Under equivalent levels of PR no such change was observed. For details of statistics refer to text. 24AL refers to mice with constant access to food.12AL mice had ad libitum access for 12h per day. 10CR, 20CR 30CR and 40CR refer to mice under 10, 20, 30 and 40% CR respectively, while 20PR, 30PR and 40PR refer to mice under 20, 30 and 40% PR respectively.