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. 2017 Feb 15;292(13):5546–5554. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.777201


Metal concentrations in 57Fe-enriched mouse hearts (and livers), and associated Mössbauer parameters

Metal concentrations are in μm, calculated by assuming a tissue density of 1.06 g/ml. Masses of hearts are in mg; uncertainties are ±1 mg. Values in parentheses refer to the number of hearts in the sample. If more than 1 heart was used, the mass refers to the average. Entry indicated with bold and italics is the collective mass of 4–7 hearts that had been combined. This mass, on a per-heart basis, is an outlier relative to the other samples. Sample designations C, H, and I refer to C57BL/6, HFE−/−, and IRP2−/− strains, respectively. The number that follows indicates the age of the mouse in weeks. Samples of the same age are distinguished with a and b. Samples from iron-deficient mice are distinguished by a subscript D. For ICP-MS analysis, each tissue was analyzed in triplicate; reported concentrations are averages; uncertainties are standard deviations. Cobalt and molybdenum concentrations were also determined but no age-dependent trends were apparent; average [Co] and [Mo] (n = 18) were 0.16 ± 0.11 μm and 0.05 ± 0.02 μm, respectively. Isomer shifts δ, quadrupole splittings ΔEQ, and line widths Γ (all in mm/s) used in simulations were: central doublet (0.45 ± 0.01, 1.15 ± 0.02, and 0.44 ± 0.07); low-temperature ferritin (−0.10 ± 0.05, 0.44 ± 0.07, and 0.77 ± 0.14) with Heff = 490 ± 6 kG; blood (0.91 ± 0.06, 2.30 ± 0.04, and 0.43 ± 0.11); high-temperature ferritin (0.44, 0.70, and 0.55). Mössbauer spectra were calibrated against α-iron foil at room temperature. For convenience, the sum of the percent relative intensities for the three major MB components were forced to 100%; however, 10–15% of the actual spectral intensity cannot be accounted for by these three components.

Sample Mass of heart [57Fe] [Fetot] [Cu] [Mn] [Zn] Central doublet Ferritin sextet Blood doublet
mg %; μm %; μm %; μm
C00 (1 day) 65 (1) 240 ± 3 300 ± 8 10 ± 1 1.6 ± 0.2 31 ± 7 20; 60 20; 60 60; 180
C01 100 350 ± 7 470 ± 10 33 ± 1 4.9 ± 0.1 43 ± 1 38; 180 17; 80 45; 210
C02a 180 (1) 240 ± 9 290 ± 10 12 ± 0.4 2.3 ± 0.1 26 ± 1 53; 150 00; 00 47; 140
C02b 59 (2) 170 ± 3 240 ± 9 19 ± 2 3.3 ± 0.1 26 ± 1 46; 110 13; 30 41; 100
C03 NDa ND ND ND ND ND 50; ND 0; ND 50; ND
C04a 98 (4) 600 ± 8 710 ± 9 29 ± 0.3 8.9 ± 0.2 46 ± 1 40; 280 10; 70 50; 360
C04b 61 (2) 570 ± 10 610 ± 10 48 ± 1 11 ± 0.2 45 ± 1 44; 270 12; 70 44; 270
C06 140 (1) 620 ± 1 670 ± 10 42 ± 1 8.1 ± 0.1 43 ± 1 36; 240 17; 110 47; 320
C12 150 (3) 63 ± 1 610 ± 10 38 ± 1 5.8 ± 0.1 37 ± 1 31; 190 32; 190 37; 230
C16 ND ND ND ND ND ND 33; ND 28; ND 39; ND
C24 240 (2) 950 ± 8 1050 ± 8 45 ± 1 7.7 ± 0.1 47 ± 1 30; 320 28; 290 42; 440
C28 140 (2) 740 ± 10 780 ± 10 36 ± 0.4 5.8 ± 0.1 34 ± 1 28; 220 36; 280 36; 280
C52 250 (2) 700 ± 10 1100 ± 20 39 ± 1 8.1 ± 0.1 48 ± 1 22; 240 48; 530 30; 330
C60 130 (1) 650 ± 30 960 ± 40 40 ± 10 3.4 ± 0.1 34 ± 1 16; 150 41; 390 43; 420
C03D (pups) 94 (4) 260 ± 10 310 ± 20 40 ± 2 24 ± 1 56 ± 2 54; 170 00; 000 46; 140
C28D (mom) 390 (1) 740 ± 5 850 ± 5 48 ± 0.3 8.8 ± 0.1 49 ± 1 35; 300 13; 110 52; 440
H12 160 (3) 58 ± 2 640 ± 20 58 ± 1 9.9 ± 0.2 60 ± 1 27; 170 37; 240 36; 230
H12 (liver) 1600 (1) 1200 ± 200 5600 ± 700 29 ± 4 14 ± 2 90 ± 2 0.5; 30 90; 5040 9.5; 530
C12 (liver) 1300 (1) 20 ± 90 960 ± 500 60 ± 30 14 ± 6 120 ± 70 18; 170 60; 580 22; 210
I08 95 (2) 520 ± 7 560 ± 7 35 ± 2 7.0 ± 0.1 32 ± 1 38; 210 10; 60 52; 290
I104 200 (1) 600 ± 20 800 ± 30 36 ± 1 7.7 ± 0.3 32 ± 1 30; 240 34; 270 36; 290

a ND, not determined.