Mitochondrial protective effects of a series of apoptosis
(a) TMRM staining of mitochondria in US2OS-Bim cells with (1) no apoptosis
induction and treatment with DMSO, and with apoptosis inducted by
the addition of DOX in the presence of the following treatments: (2)
DMSO; (3) zVAD (10 μM); (4) compound 20 (10 μM);
(5) compound 22 (1 μM); (6) compound 23 (1 μM); (7) compound 33 (100 nM); (8) compound 42 (3 nM). Scale: 100 μm. (b) Mean cellular ROS levels
in U2OS-Bim cells with (red bars) and without (blue bars) Dox induced
apoptosis under the indicated compound treatments. Top: ROS levels
under treatment with various apoptosis inhibitor compounds, DMSO,
and zVAD. Bottom: ROS levels under treatment with different concentrations
of compound 42, DMSO, and zVAD (20 μM). The error
bars represent the standard error of results from two separate experiments. P values are based on comparisons of each sample to the
DMSO-treated apoptosis induction group. *: P <
0.05; **: P < 0.01; ***: P <