Figure 4. Mutant ptpn11 enhances the proliferation of MYCN–induced hyperplastic neuroblasts in the interrenal gland (IRG).
(A) Sagittal sections through the IRGs of control Dβh, ptpn11mut, MYCN, and MYCN;ptpn11mut transgenic fish at 5 wpf (dorsal up, anterior left). GFP, green; Hu, red; DAPI, blue; merge, combined green, red and blue. Representative sections through the IRG of control Dβh or ptpn11mut fish contain 1–5 GFP+/Hu+ sympathetic neuroblasts (arrowheads). Hu+ cell numbers increase in MYCN and MYCN;ptpn11mut fish (brackets). Dotted lines indicate the head kidney (HK) boundary. Wpf, weeks postfertilization. Scale bar, 20 μm.
(B) Numbers of GFP+/Hu+ sympathetic neuroblasts in the IRG regions of control Dβh, ptpn11mut, MYCN, and MYCN;ptpn11mut transgenic fish at 5 wpf.
(C) Percentage of EdU+/Hu+ sympathetic neuroblasts in control Dβh, ptpn11mut, MYCN, and MYCN;ptpn11mut transgenic fish at 5 weeks. Mean values (horizontal bars) were compared by Welch t-test (two-tailed).
See also Figures S3 and S4.