Na+-Amino acid transporter |
Functions only on the abluminal membrane20
Na+K+ATPase; 5′ nucleotidase |
Both found only on abluminal membrane, whereas alkaline phosphatase and g-glutamyl transpeptidase were present on luminal and abluminal membranes21
γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase |
γ-GTP was enriched on the luminal membrane22
Alkaline phosphatase, 5′nucleotidase, thiamine pyrophosphatase |
Enriched on luminal membrane in normal mice; but abluminal expression was increased in scrapie infected animals23
Na+/Na+, Na+/H+ transporter |
Present on the abluminal, but not luminal membranes24
Mg++ATPase and alkaline phosphatase |
In glioblastomas, luminal membrane expression of both markers is increased25
GLUT1 glucose transporter |
In normal rats, abluminal membrane GLUT1 is 3-fold greater than luminal membrane26
Transferrin receptor (TfR) |
Transcytosis of TfR from luminal to abluminal capillary membrane, and into parenchyma27
P-glycoprotein |
P-glycoprotein, responsible for brain efflux of many pharmaceuticals, was highly expressed in luminal capillary membranes28,29
P-glycoprotein |
P-glycoprotein activity was in the astrocyte foot process, and not the endothelial cell. In dual label studies P-gp did not colocalize with endothelial GLUT1, but did colocalize with astroglial GFAP30,31
Human GLUT1 glucose transporter |
In high-GLUT1-expressing capillaries, the luminal to abluminal membrane ratio <1.0; but >1.0 in low-GLUT1-expressing endothelia2
Monocarboxylic acid transporter (MCT1) |
Neonate MCT1 is greater than in adults. Equal MCT1 density in abluminal and luminal membranes at both ages32
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) |
In hemangiomas, luminal>abluminal ICAM-1. Age-variations in ICAM expression were seen in mouse BBB33
GLUT1 glucose transporter |
Abluminal:luminal ratio is 4:1 in normals; 1:1 in stroke-prone rats34
Ca++ ATPase; Ecto ATPase |
Ca++ATPase is luminally enriched, whereas ecto ATPase is primarily localized on abluminal membranes35
Na+/K+ ATPase |
Abluminal localization is questioned; lower fixative concentrations produce more luminal membrane labeling36
Essential fatty acid transporters |
Hypothesis: essential fatty acids may use lipoprotein receptors on the luminal membrane to enter the CNS37
Neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) |
Abluminal internalization of IgG, and only brain-to-blood transcytosis suggests no luminal FcRn activity38,39
MCT1 |
In ketonemic up-regulation, abluminal MCT1 increased 2-fold. Equal abluminal and luminal MCT1 in controls40
Amino acid transporters |
Na+-dependent amino acid transporters are abluminal41
Heparin sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) |
Perlecan (a core protein of HSPG) is expressed at the abluminal membrane, where it functions in transport of bFGF42
Rat organic anion transporter 3 (rOAT3) |
The acid efflux transporter, rOAT3 is expressed at the abluminal membrane43
Aspartic acid transporter (ASCT2) |
ASCT2 immunoreactivity is localized to the abluminal capillary membrane8
Erythropoietin receptor (EPO-r) |
EPO-r is equally expressed on luminal and abluminal BBB membranes, as well as astrocytic end feet. Upregulation of EPO-r is seen in epileptogenic hippocampus44
Na+-dependent glucose transporter (SGLT1) |
Luminal membrane expression of SGLT1 is suggested45