Characterization of Ciona GluA. (A) Quantification of CiGluA, ciGLAST, and ci vGlut transcripts at the indicated developmental stage measured by quantitative real-time RT PCR. Equal amounts of total RNA were used for reverse transcription. More than 100 embryos were used for the analysis at each developmental stage. hpf, hours postfertilization; mTb, midtailbud stage. Data are expressed as the average of three wells plus the SE. (B) A maximum-likelihood tree of the various GluA proteins (cel, C. elegans; cin, C. intestinalis; dme, D. melanogaster; mmu, Mus musculus). The red arrow marks the position of ciGluA protein. Scale indicates 0.10 substitutions per position. (C) Schematic diagram of the cigluA gene. (C’–C’’’) Constructs used in this study. (C’) Schematic of the cigluA-promoter-GFP (cigluA-GFP) reporter construct. (C’’) Schematic of the ciGluA expression construct (cigluAp-GluA). (C’’’) Schematic of the MO-resistant ciGluA expression construct (cigluA-GluA*). Red bars indicate the MO target site that is disrupted in cigluA-GFP reporter construct (C’). The cross represents three silent mutations incorporated in the MO-resistant construct.