Fig. 4.
Characterization of transgenic lines overexpressing Iw1 through sRNA and RNA-seq analyses. (A) NG T0 overexpression lines displaying expression of sRNA derived from Iw1 and repression of W1-COE. (B) In contrast, glaucous T0 lines showed almost no expression of sRNA from Iw1 and showed expression of W1-COE. Analyses of sRNA and RNA-seq data demonstrated that the differences between the glaucous and NG lines were caused by the expression of sRNA from Iw1 and the resulting repression of W1-COE (SI Appendix, Tables S2 and S3 and Dataset S5). GC-MS experiments in the T0/T1 generation confirmed that the NG trait was caused by the absence of β-diketones (SI Appendix, Figs. S5–S7).