Figure 1.
Functional effects of BICAL on mRNA expression of known androgen-dependent genes in the periphery and brain. Relative mRNA levels of parvalbumin (A) and IGF-I (B) in 3 skeletal muscles that control wing movement (pectoralis, supracoricoideus, scapulohumeralis caudalis). Relative mRNA levels of aromatase in the hypothalamus (C) as well as AR (D) and sorting nexin 2 (E) in the telencephalon are shown. In A and B, asterisks within a graph's legend depict significant overall effects of BICAL treatment on gene expression. Although some muscles appear to vary in transcriptional responsiveness to BICAL, the actual cause of this variation is unclear considering that AR is robustly expressed in all 3 muscles (22), and prior studies show that these same muscles produce parvalbumin and IGF-I in response to androgenic stimulation (34). In C–E, the abbreviation N.S. denotes no significant difference (P > .05) in gene expression between control and BICAL birds. In all graphs, bars represent means ± 1 SEM. In all graphs, black bars represent controls, whereas hatched bars represent BICAL treated birds.