Figure 7.
Leptin stimulates PI3K activity in GT1-7 cells A, expression of the leptin receptor mRNA in mouse GT1-7 cells. Lanes 1–3, RT-PCR detection of the common ObR isoform in hypothalamus (lane 2) and GT1-7 cells (lane 3), together with a negative control (lane 1). Lanes 4–6, RT-PCR detection of the ObRb isoform in the hypothalamus (lane 5) and GT1-7 cells (lane 6) together with a negative control (lane 4). Note the presence of PCR products of the appropriate sizes in GT1-7 and hypothalamus (465 bp ObR and 647 bp ObRb). B, PI3K activity associated with IRS-2 in GT1-7 cells stimulated with 50 nM leptin. PI3K activity was measured in immunoprecipitates and was quantitated using a Phosphoimager. Data are mean ± SEM for 4 experiments. ** P < 0.01.