Table 3.
Relationship of Patient, Oncologist, and Practice Group Variables to the Probability of Having the Multigene Test, Relative to a Standard Reference Patient with Other Variables Held Constant
Variable | Variable Valuea | Probability of multigene testing, % | Difference in probability between the variable lowest- to highest-risk value |
Age (years) | 70+ | 9% | 51% |
60–70 | 38% | ||
40–50 | 60% | ||
Race/ethnicity | Black | 28% | 11% |
Asian | 38% | ||
White, non-Hispanic | 39% | ||
Tumor size | >0.5 cm to <=1.0 cm | 15% | 26% |
>2.0 cm | 38% | ||
>1.0 cm to <=2.0 | 41% | ||
Charlson comorbidity score | 3 | 33% | 8% |
1 | 38% | ||
0 | 41% | ||
Community-level median family incomeb | 64,000 | 36% | 5% |
87,000 | 38% | ||
113,000 | 41% | ||
Oncologist gender | Male | 38% | 12% |
Female | 50% | ||
Practice group oncology chief’s proportion of patients getting tested | 20% | 30% | 14% |
40% | 38% | ||
53% | 44% |
Values in bold represent the characteristics of the standard patient, who has an estimated probability of testing of 38% using the fitted multilevel regression model. Each probability estimate represents the effect of changing the value of a single variable while the other values in bold were held constant. Variable values were chosen to illustrate maximum range from lowest to highest probability of testing.
Community-level is from census block group characteristics.