Figure 4.
(a1) Cross-sectional SEM image of an NSP 1200 device showing thinner side wall a-Si thickness than the top a-Si thickness. (a2) Schematic of nanopillar a-Si solar cell for the simplified device simulation. (a3) Schematic band bending for 280 nm thick a-Si device. (a4) Schematic band bending for 140 nm thick a-Si device showing lowered building potential. (b) modeled J-V curves of the nanopillar a-Si solar cells with different side wall thickness. (c) Modeled Voc and Jsc of the nanopillar solar cell versus different height. The spherical symbol data are from devices with 280 nm sidewall a-Si thickness, and the square symbol data are for the device with 140 nm sidewall a-Si thickness.