Figure 3. Knocksideways relocalisation of GFP occurs very rapidly.
Imaging flow cytometry analysis of parasites. A histogram is presented of colocalisation between GFP and mCherry for time defined segments of parasites acquired at various times, as indicated after rapamycin (Rap) addition. Untreated parasites were acquired in a separate sample and files merged for analysis. The colocalisation feature wizard from IDEAS TM (Amnis-Merck) software was used and bright intensity colocalisation score for each image gated on mCherry and GFP positive and mCherry focussed images was calculated. In addition, a gallery of images is shown, which was obtained from ImageStream X® showing untreated parasites (left) or 60–160 seconds after 200 nM Rap addition (right). Scale bar = 7 µm. The table shows the number of parasites included in the analysis, % colocalisation and median colocalisation score for each treatment.