Fig 1. Tumor progression and histopathological phenotype in a transgenic mouse model.
Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tumors from Tg mice at various stages of age: (a) an atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) lesion progressing to adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). The scale bar showed 200 μm in distance. (b) Uniform nuclei are shown in an AIS. The scale bar showed 200 μm in distance. (c) Pleomorphic nuclei are shown in an adenocarcinoma. The scale bar showed 200 μm in distance. (d) Formation of lung adenocarcinomas. The scale bar showed 400 μm in distance. (e) Adenocarcinoma with glandular/acinar architecture and desmoplasia. The scale bar showed 200 μm in distance. (f) Invasive adenocarcinoma displaying mixed cellular phenotypes. Cells of the invasive component were more columnar and of higher nuclear grade (inset). The scale bar showed 200 μm in distance. Panels a and d were at 100x magnification; panels b, c, e, and the inset were at 400x magnification; panel f was at 200x magnification.