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. 2017 Apr 18;12(4):e0175068. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175068

Table 7. Positive changes to intimate relationships post-intervention (open ended-survey responses).

Increased partner support and understanding Improved relationship
Group % N Group % N
WLC 19 4 WLC 5 1
One-to-one 39 9 One-to-one 26 6
Couple 84 16 Couple 57 11
I keep the survey that I am doing on the computer desk so I do it every night, and I think he sort of has a bit of a check of that, and a bit of a read and says “Okay, this is it,” which is a good thing for him to see instead of just not being nice about it. Like I think he’s actually seen it is something (WLC). A better relationship. A better me! (WLC).
I think about breaking up because I can’t stand myself when I am like this and neither can he. However–he has started to understand that it is hormonal and doesn’t take my moodiness and outbursts so seriously (WLC). I think it has improved my relationship with my now fiancé. I have been more open when I am feeling depressed and he gives me lots of hugs. I think I have also identified patterns of negative behaviour which occur PMS or not and that I need to work on this not just PMS time but all the time (one to one).
I think my husband has become 100% more understanding after reading the surveys and after knowing how PMS made me feel. It was a real thing, not me being “crazy” (WLC). My partner and I are closer. We communicate more. We enjoy activities together more often. He is more supportive when I am going through PMS (one-to-one).
Now that my partner has a better understanding of what’s happening and I’m more aware of my actions, we work together in trying to argue less and it seems to be having a positive effect (one-to-one). Most of our relationship issues related to my feelings during PMS have now resolved. My partner is much more supportive now that he knows what I’m going through (couple).
I tell my partner that my period is coming and I am having a few dark days. He understands now and knows that I need a few more hugs (one-to-one). We are now able to openly discuss our issues and so they are now shared issues. Brought us closer together (couple).
Issues would still come up but I was less likely to fly off the handle and get crazy about it. I’d be more likely to just say what I needed to say and let it go or have a rational discussion about it instead of just yelling or sulking or whatever (one-to-one). My partner and I have benefitted so much from this study. It has allowed me to be introspective without being judged and learn more about myself, my PMS and my relationship. My husband and I communicate better and I haven’t had an angry outburst with him since the study. Thanks!! (couple).
I find my partner is even more sympathetic towards me in my PMS phase. The study has allowed him a greater insight into how PMS affects me–so now when I’m feeling angry/stressed/irritable, we talk about PMS and he tries as best as he can to make me feel better (couple).
Now my partner understands the depths of despair PMS can create (ie that it is an actual thing ALOT OF WOMEN GO THROUGH) he tries to be more helpful and understanding in those times. I try to be calmer and less needy, taking more time for myself (couple).
Most of our relationship issues related to my feelings during PMS have now resolved. My partner is much more supportive now that he knows what I’m going through (couple).