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. 2017 Apr 3;6:e21105. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21105

Author response image 1. The input resistance (Rin) of HIPP and HIL cells does not change over recording time and in dependence on the applied associative burst frequency (aBFS) stimulation for the induction of synaptic plasticity.

Author response image 1.

(A) Rin was determined on the basis of 10 mV test pulses applied to the recorded cells throughout the experiment. The mean values are plotted for baseline periods (pre) as well as 15-20 min after the aBFS application (post). Rin was not significantly different between baseline periods and after plasticity induction (P > 0.05, t-Test). Circles connected by lines represent individual experiments (8 blue circles represent 5 HIPP cells showing synaptic plasticity included in Figure 3 of the manuscript plus 3 DG-SOMIs expressing LTD and shown in Figure 3—figure supplement 2 of the revised manuscript; 9 red circles represent 9 HIL cells expressing LTP and shown in Figure 3 of the manuscript). (B) Rin was plotted against the recordings time for a subset of HIPPs (4 cells) and HILs (8 cells). Note the stable Rin throughout the experiment.