Figure 3.
During the dark phase, the TAAR1 agonist RO5256390 at 10 mg/kg increased wakefulness in DTA mice (n=8; D) while RO5263397 (3397) suppressed REM sleep in orexin/ataxin-3 (Atax, n=8; I) mice. Compounds RO5256390 (1-10 mg/kg; A-F, warm colors), 3397 (0.3-3 mg/kg; G-L, cool colors), modafinil (Mod, 100 mg/kg, black) and vehicle (Veh, gray dots) were administered at zeitgeber time (ZT) 12.5 (dashed vertical line) in Atax mice (A-C, G-I) after pretreatment with almorexant (30 mg/kg, p.o.) at lights off (ZT12), and in DTA Dox(−) mice after Hcrt neuron degeneration (D-F, J-L). Modafinil also increased wakefulness in both narcoleptic models (A, D) and suppressed NREM sleep in Atax mice (B). Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni t tests: * P<0.05 vs. Veh. Data are mean±s.e.m.