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. 2017 Apr 19;7:46528. doi: 10.1038/srep46528

Table 1. Sample sizes.

  Denver NIDA Oakland Sacramento Seattle
CBD 1141 42 98 56 90 755 110 481 981 101 981 103 4
CBN 98 90 481 481 981 981
THC 1141 1112 98 64 90 755 692 481 981 952 981 103 103
CBG 992 98 96 1 90 481 41 481 981 259 981 103 12
THC-V 992 12 96 90 481 6 481 981 21 981 103 1
CBC 96 90 481 481 981 2 981
THC & CBD >1 21 24 77 81 4

Sample sizes for each cannabinoid at the different locations. Denver and Seattle lack samples for CBN and CBC. The first column represents the total sample sizes for each cannabinoid, the >1 column represents the number of samples that produced more than 1% content of each cannabinoid. No location had varieties that produced >1% CBN or CBC. The last column represents the sample sizes used for the PCA, which was performed only with samples from Oakland, Sacramento, and NIDA. The last row represents the samples that produce more than 1% for both THC and CBD.