Graphical representation
of the AR pathway model based on Tox21/ToxCast
assays: Circular nodes (N1–N5) represent key biological events
along the pathway, where dark gray coloring indicates key events common
to agonism and antagonism, and blue and red coloring indicates key
events specific to agonism or antagonism, respectively. White stars
(A1–A11) represent the in vitro assays that measure activity
at the biological nodes. Colored arrow heads (R1/R2) represent true
AR agonism/antagonism, respectively, and are comprised of the nodes
listed in the diagram and their associated assays. Light gray arrow
heads demonstrate examples of technology-specific interference or
biological interference pathways, where individual assays or specific
groups of assays are positive due to non-AR-mediated activity. Each
in vitro assay and each key event node has an assay- or biology-specific
interference pathway (defined in Table 1). Interference pathways R3–R7 correspond to
nodes N1–N5, respectively, and interference pathways A1–A11
correspond to the respective assays. Two examples of interference
pathways, one that is assay-specific (A6) and one that is node-specific
(R7), are shown as light gray arrow heads. AR = androgen receptor.