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. 2017 Apr 6;25:e2871. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.1630.2871

Table 3. Regional and national distribution of Health Care Coverage of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Average of diabetics with metabolic control in 2011-2013, Mortality Rate for Diabetes Mellitus and Percentage of Nurses Participating in the Cardiovascular Health Program. Chile, 2013.

Region Coverage DM2 (%)* Average of diabetics with metabolic control in 2011-2013 (%) Mortality rate DM Percentage of Nurses Participating CVHP(%)§
Arica and Parinacota 41.28 46.19 24.56 39.81
Tarapacá 36.50 47.30 10.88 21.80
Antofagasta 44.49 38.22 11.52 16.13
Atacama 38.94 49.17 27.25 21.60
Coquimbo 31.52 41.12 14.68 21.68
Valparaíso 41.98 44.39 19.52 25.01
Metropolitan region of Santiago 33.36 40.90 22.76 25.40
Libertador B. O´Higgins 31.41 47.20 18.50 17.94
Maule 32.52 41.74 19.89 56.71
Biobío 31.89 40.62 18.84 29.62
La Araucanía 31.30 42.52 15.94 37.17
Los Ríos 33.85 38.84 16.29 37.17
Los Lagos 31.48 37.55 18.43 29.20
Aisén (General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo) 29.13 45.80 13.22 17.09
Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic 35.72 44.07 16.34 39.95
Country 33.80 41.77 19.86 26.62

* Extracted from "Basic Health Indicators - Chile 2013"; DM2 (Diabetes Mellitus type 2)

† Obtained from " Population in control, Cardiovascular health program for Region and Health Service, SNSS 2011, 2012 y 2013" and " Population in control, Cardiovascular health program, according to compensation goals, for Region and Health Service, SNSS 2011, 2012 y 2013"

‡ Extracted from "Basic Health Indicators - Chile 2013" (Rate calculated for 17,556,815 inhabitants); DM (Diabetes Mellitus)

§ Obtained from "Controls according to health problem, by type of control, Region and Health Service, SNSS 2013"; CVHP (Cardiovascular Health Program).