Figure 6.
Small HCC diagnosed using gadoxetate disodium (hepatobiliary contrast agent). Axial fat-suppressed (A) SS-FSE T2-WI, axial pre- (B) and postgadolinium (gadoxetate disodium) fat-suppressed 3D-GRE T1-WI in the arterial (C), interstitial (D) and hepatobiliary phases (E). A small HCC is depicted in the right liver lobe, medial to the right hepatic vein, showing isointensity on T2-WI, mild low signal intensity on T1-WI, arterial hyper-enhancement (C) and no perceptible washout on the delayed phase (D). On the hepatobiliary phase, due to the presence of impaired hepatocytes, the HCC shows no enhancement (arrow, E). This case exemplifies the advantages of hepatobiliary contrast agents in the characterization of liver nodules in the setting of cirrhosis.