Fig. 6.
NAM supplementation during chronological aging rescues the negative effects of RSV on CLS and Pck1 activity. (A) Wt cells were transferred to water as in Fig. 5B supplemented with 100 μM RSV or 5 mM nicotinamide (NAM). Every 48 h, cultures were resuspended in fresh water containing RSV or NAM and survival of the cells over time was monitored. In addition, at the time point corresponding to 50% of survival RSV-treated cells were switched to water supplemented with both NAM and RSV. Survival of wt cells in water is also shown for comparison. During the treatments in (A), at the indicated time points, Pck1 enzymatic activity (B) and the ratio of Ac-K to Pck1-3HA values (C) were determined. All data refer to mean values of three independent experiments with three technical replicates each. SD is indicated. Statistical significance as in Fig. 1 (**: P≤0.01).