Figure 5.
Effects of recA and lexA on the expression of ccrC1 and SCC excision frequency in NW19. (A) Relative expression of ccrC1 in different strains compared to the control (wild-type without mitomycin C (MMC)). (B) SCC excision frequency detection in different strains with and without MMC treatment. (C) Detection of GFP using ccr-gfp reporter strategy. Wild, wild-type NW19; recDw, NW19 with reduced expression of recA; recUp, NW19 with increased expression of recA; lexDw, NW19 with reduced lexA expression; lexUp, lexA transcript increased NW19; MMC−, without MMC exposure; MMC+, with MMC exposure. Arrowhead, below the limit of detection (<2.5 × 10−11). The relative expression of ccrC1 and the SCC excision frequency were detected with and without MMC exposure (0.5 mg/L). Each sample was determined in triplicate. The data represent the mean ± Standard Error Mean (SEM).