Table 1.
Differences between Recovered and Not Recovered Groups (Chi-Square Tests with False Discovery Rate Adjustment)
Test | p value |
Felt limited in school/work at the time of the questionnaire | <10−4* |
Perceived impact of index concussion on lives | 0.001* |
Complying with do not return to play guidelines | 0.006* |
Felt limited in school/work at the time of index concussion | 0.009** |
Self-reported mononucleosis before concussion | 0.011** |
Self-reported depression after concussion | 0.015** |
Found medication effective | 0.024** |
Found vestibular repositioning effective | 0.029** |
Found psychotherapy effective | 0.149 |
Self-reported ADD/ADHD before concussion | 0.234 |
Self-reported learning disability after concussion | 0.266 |
Self-reported depression before concussion | 0.305 |
Self-reported mononucleosis after concussion | 0.477 |
Self-reported migraines after concussion | 0.489 |
Self-reported learning disability before concussion | 0.49 |
Had thoughts of/attempted suicide before concussion | 0.49 |
Self-reported anxiety after concussion | 0.553 |
Sex | 0.558 |
Cause of injury (sport-related vs. non-sports-related) | 0.577 |
Self-reported anxiety before concussion | 0.64 |
Experiencing a subsequent concussion | 0.68 |
Self-reported ADD/ADHD after concussion | 0.747 |
Found physiotherapy effective | 0.75 |
Found chiropractic manipulation effective | 0.811 |
Had thoughts of/attempted suicide after concussion | 0.889 |
Self-reported migraines before concussion | 0.937 |
Found occupational therapy effective | 1 |
Significant at p ≤ 0.05 under false discovery rate correction.
Trending toward significance at p ≤ 0.10 under false discovery rate correction.
ADD, attention deficit disorder; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.