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. 2017 Apr 12;11:1178630217703391. doi: 10.1177/1178630217703391

Table 2.

Differences in potential exposure, practice, knowledge, and attitude among small-scale farmers after training in integrated pest management.

FFS farmers
Neighboring farmers
Control farmers
N = 35a % N = 44a % N = 35a % Mantel-Haenszel χ2 testb χ2 test neighboring vs controlc
Potential exposure
 WHO class of pesticide used by the farmer
  Class 1a 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Class 1b 1 3 1 3 0 0 0.372
  Class II 30 94 31 84 30 94 1.0
  Class III 3 9 2 5 2 6 0.624
  Class U 6 19 12 32 9 28 0.399
 Applications last month
  <3 times 22 65 21 50 12 36 0.021 0.241
 Use of PPE among farmers who spray
  Domestic clothing whether long or short/ordinary clothes 3 12 9 31 16 59 0.0003 0.034
  Gloves 22 85 11 38 5 19 <0.0001 0.108
  Overalls 17 66 5 17 0 0 <0.0001 0.024
  Boots 26 100 23 79 19 68 0.005 0.440
  Mask 25 96 10 34 2 7 <0.0001 0.014
  Hat 15 58 6 21 0 0 <0.0001 0.012
 Precautions taken after spraying
  Wash whole body immediately 22 85 25 86 19 73 0.2872
  Change clothes after spraying 22 85 26 90 20 77 0.4527
 Field reentry period after spraying, d
  ⩽1 5 15 6 15 17 50
  2 to 5 16 47 20 49 9 26
  >5 13 38 15 37 8 24 0.007 0.004
 Use mouth to unblock nozzle on sprayer when it is blocked 0 0 4 10 6 18 0.011 0.292
  Spray crops before taking them to the market 6 18 4 10 14 41 0.023 0.002
  Clean knapsack sprayer after use 34 100 40 91 22 67 <0.001 0.033
  Leave empty pesticide containers in the field 0 0 3 7 11 32 <0.0001 0.004
  Knowledge of alternatives to pesticides for controlling pest 35 100 32 74 13 38 <0.0001 0.001
  Understand the color codes used on pesticide labels 32 91 25 61 9 27 <0.0001 0.004
  Pesticides can have a bad/negative effect on your health 35 100 44 100 33 94 0.070
  Pesticides have a negative effect on the environment 35 100 40 91 28 80 0.006 0.322
 Negative effects caused to the environment
  Affect other nontarget organisms/animals 25 74 30 75 12 43 0.016 0.007
  Contamination of drinking water 18 53 17 43 8 29 0.055
  Killing good insects like bees 18 53 8 20 5 18 0.002 0.825
  Effects on soil performance 17 50 24 60 12 43 0.633
  Numbers of farmers who think that they can reduce the amount of pesticides used in agriculture without affecting expected yield 20 57 23 55 7 22 0.008 0.012

Abbreviations: FFS, farmer field school; WHO, World Health Organization; —, not calculated.

Bold values are significant with p < 0.05.


⩾84% of the farmers in the group responded.


Test for trend on differences between FFS farmers, neighboring farmers, and control farmers.


χ2 test for the difference between neighboring and control farmers. Calculated if the trend across the group was significant.