a, Time course of average EPSC amplitude changes
recorded in CA1 pyramidal cells evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation
before and after LTP induction in the absence (Ctrl) or presence of
human-IgG (H-IgG) or TrkB-Ig. Representative traces are above the graphs. n
= 22 Ctrl, 9 H-IgG, and 12 TrkB-Ig (animals).
b, Quantification of EPSC amplitude changes averaged
over 10–20 min following LTP induction.
c–d, Time course (c) and
quantification (d) of the transient and sustained
glutamate-uncaging-induced spine volume change in rat hippocampal slices in
the absence (Ctrl) or presence of human-IgG (H-IgG) or TrkB-Ig. n =
8/8 Ctrl, 6/8 TrkBIg, and 4/6 HIgG (cells/spines).
e, Model of spine autonomous, autocrine, BDNF release
and post-synaptic TrkB activation.
Data are mean +/− s.e.m. *p < 0.05
as determined by an ANOVA followed by Tukey’s method to correct for
multiple comparisons.