Functional characteristics of H32Q, the mouse analog of H33Q. (A) The H32Q polymorphism is equally effective in the transactivation of the IFN-γ gene regulatory region. T-bet or the H32Q version of T-bet were cotransfected into IL-4 cells with an IFN-γ promoter reporter gene and a β-gal reporter gene. Relative luciferase activity was assayed, standardized with β-gal activity, and shown as fold induction. (B and C) H32Q was as effective at modifying cytokine gene expression in primary T cells as wt T-bet. CD4+ T cells were transduced with GFP-RV, RV-T-bet, and RV-T-bet H32Q. Cells were expanded for 5 days, sorted for GFP, and restimulated with anti-CD3 for 24 hours. ELISA was performed to measure IFN-γ and IL-13 production. The results are from three independent experiments. TB, wt T-bet.