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. 2017 Apr 20;27(2):179–188. doi: 10.18865/ed.27.2.179

Table 4. Multiple linear regression models of the association between the RMMRI-9 and post-SI-2 CRAI-19 overall and each subscale, controlling for the respective baseline CRAI-19 measure and cohort, n=108a.

Adjusted R2 Standardized Beta t P
Model 1, CRAI-19 Overall
(Constant) 2.445 .016
CRAI-19 overall, baseline .553 6.906 <.001
Cohort .355 .066 .848 .398
RMMRI-9 .415 .261 3.406 .001
Model 2, CRAI-19 Writing subscale
(Constant) 2.268 .025
CRAI-19 subscale, baseline .549 7.134 <.001
Cohort .366 -.050 -.657 .513
RMMRI-9 .421 .249 3.307 .001
Model 3, CRAI-19 Study design/data analysis subscale
(Constant) 2.020 .046
CRAI-19 subscale, baseline .460 5.267 <.001
Cohort .252 .002 .027 .979
RMMRI-9 .311 .259 3.153 .002
Model 4, CRAI-19 Collaboration/grant preparation subscale
(Constant) 2.079 .040
CRAI-19 subscale, baseline .599 7.843 <.001
Cohort .405 .144 1.953 .054
RMMRI-9 .448 .226 3.029 .003
Model 5, CRAI-19 Consent process subscale
(Constant) 2.673 .009
CRAI-19 subscale, baseline .738 11.291 <.001
Cohort .553 .140 2.152 .034
RMMRI-9 .557 .090 1.386 .169

RMMRI, Ragins and McFarlin Mentor Role Instrument; SI-2, second Summer Institute; CRAI, Clinical Research Appraisal Inventory.

a. Adjusted R2 values are for variables entered at each step (CRAI-19 measures and cohort entered at step 1; RMMRI entered at step 2). All other data shown in the table are from the regression model at step 2.