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. 2017 Mar 10;11:1177625017691937. doi: 10.1177/1177625017691937

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

The simulation toolkit is organized into 2 main tabs, the “Simulation” tab and the “Timeseries” tab. (A) An extensible set of simulation algorithms can be hosted within the rational interface of bStyle. Besides the built-in RSSA, HRSSA, DM, Euler, and RK45 algorithms, a COmplex PAthway SImulator simulation bridge is available to instruct their simulation engines after the currently open model. When the same simulation parameter represents the same concept across different algorithms, then it is presented at the same location on screen allowing to compare different algorithms on the same parameters. Common for all algorithms is the possibility to preselect, before running the simulation, a subset of the model either through a direct selection from the hierarchical element list or using only the selected or spotlighted elements (if any). (B) The simulated model is graphically presented through the time series of its elements. A compartment filter is available along with a rich set of useful graphical options to analyze the results. DM indicates direct method; HRSSA, hybrid rejection-based stochastic simulation algorithm; RSSA, rejection-based stochastic simulation algorithm.