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. 2017 Mar 23;11:1178221816685087. doi: 10.1177/1178221816685087

Table 1.

Overall format of the semi-structured interviews.

1. Have you ever experienced stigma related to methadone maintenance treatment?
 a. If yes, how frequently do you experience stigma?
2. Based on your experience, what is the most common source of stigma regarding methadone?
3. Could you describe 1 or 2 specific stigma experiences?
4. Could you describe how the general public treats/feels about methadone patients?
 a. Could you tell us, on a scale of 1 to 5, how much you agree with these following statements? (1 being you strongly disagree and 5 being you strongly agree)
  i. Most people would willingly accept someone who is undergoing methadone treatment as a close friend.
  ii. Most people believe that someone who is undergoing methadone treatment is just as trustworthy as the average citizen.
  iii. Most people think less of a person who is receiving methadone treatment.
  iv. Most employers will hire someone who is receiving methadone treatment if he or she is qualified for the job.
  v. Most people would be willing to date someone who is receiving methadone treatment.
 b. How do you think the public perceives the methadone maintenance program?
  i. Based on your experience, would you say that most people are aware of what methadone is and how it is used for?
  ii. Have you noticed any public misconceptions or misunderstanding regarding methadone? If so, provide specific examples.
  iii. Do you believe that the public perceives methadone patients in a more negative manner than individuals undergoing other addiction treatments like abstinence programs?
5. Do you think some of the negative stereotypes about methadone patients are true?
 a. Do you feel ashamed about being in methadone treatment?
6. Has stigma affected your methadone treatment in any manner?
7. Has stigma affected your daily life in any manner?
8. How do you usually cope with the stigma surrounding methadone?
9. Could you provide some suggestions on how the stigma surrounding drug addiction and methadone could be reduced?
10. If there were one message you would like to give people about drug addiction and methadone, what would it be?