Immunoblot showing expression of ME3 upon depletion with three independent Dox-inducible hairpins or non-targeting inducible control hairpin (ishCtrl) in PATU8988T cells. ME1 expression remained unchanged upon ME3 depletion. b, Expression of ME3 following depletion by ishME3#1 and ishCtrl hairpin in BxPC3 cells (ME2-null). c, Immunoblot of KP-1NL cells (ME2-intact) assessing deletion of ME3 expression. d, Immunoblot of Panc1 cells (ME2-intact) assessing deletion of ME3 expression. e, Raw photos of colony-formation assay upon depletion of ME3 in ME2-null PATU8988T cells. f, Malic enzyme activity assay upon depletion of ME3 in PATU8988T cells. g, Representative microscopic field comparing cell growth between ishCtrl ± Dox and ishME3#1 ± Dox cells (Scale bar= 50 μm). h, Growth curve upon ME3 depletion. i, Raw photos of colony-formation assay upon depletion of ME3 in ME2-null BxPC3 cells. j, Raw photo of colony-formation assay upon inducible CRISPR/Cas9 deletion of ME3 in Hs766T cells. k, Inducible CRISPR/Cas9 deletion of ME3 inhibits colony formation in Hs766T cells. l, m, Raw photos of colony formation assay upon depletion of ME3 in ME2-intact (l) KP-1NL and (m) Panc1 cells. n, o, Raw tumour image after 60 days of tumour growth (n) and graph of mean tumour weights (o) (n = 5). p, Immunoblot of ME3-depleted (dox+) and non-depleted (dox–) xenograft tumour samples confirms complete depletion of ME3. Human-specific ME1 antibody did not detect any remaining ME1 protein in dox+ mouse tumours #3 and #4, indicating no remaining human tumour cells (Red asterisk denote the specific band). β-Actin used as loading control. q, Luciferase imaging (IVIS spectrum) of nude mice 79 days after orthotopic transplantation of PATU8988T-ishME3 cells (±dox). r, Survival data for mice (n = 10 each group) orthotopically grafted with PATU8988T cells (ishCtrl ± dox and ishME3#1 ± dox).