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. 2017 Apr 20;12(4):e0176145. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176145

Table 1. Characteristics of cerebrovascular trials.

Trials Number of Patients Trials with Explicit Exclusion of Renal Disease Patients Based on Index Report, Methods Report of Registered Protocol, n Percent p value
Overall 135 194,977 48 35.6 NA
Publication, year
 • 1983–1988 4 2,617 0 0.0 Ref
 • 1989–1994 3 493 1 33.3 0.429
 • 1995–2000 15 8,905 2 13.3 1
 • 2001–2006 34 52,765 10 29.4 0.556
 • 2007–2012 42 76,220 17 40.5 0.281
 • 2013–2016 37 53,977 18 48.6 0.118
Class I/II recommendation
 • Yes 44 74,249 7 15.9 Ref
 • No 91 120,748 41 45.1 0.001
Trial protocol registered
 • Yes 77 133,474 35 45.5 Ref
 • No 58 61,503 13 22.4 0.007
Trial randomization size
 • 100–499 63 16,915 18 28.6 Ref
 • 500–999 27 18,120 8 29.6 1
 • 1000–4999 38 82,902 19 50.0 0.035
 • >5000 7 77,040 3 42.9 0.421
 • Single-center 12 2,769 3 25.0 Ref
 • Multi-center 123 192,208 45 36.6 0.538
 • Europe 70 91,431 20 28.6 Ref
 • United States/Canada 43 73,395 20 46.5 0.069
 • Asia/Australia/South America 22 30,151 8 36.4 0.596
Funding source
 • Academic grant/government 52 65,560 11 21.2 Ref
 • Industry 50 93,418 21 42.0 0.033
 • Both 23 26,314 11 47.8 0.028
 • Not specified 10 9,685 5 50.0 0.108
 • Lancet 25 69,326 6 24.0 Ref
 • Stroke 48 27,379 15 31.3 0.594
 • NEJM 32 70,608 15 46.9 0.1
 • Lancet Neurology 15 9,955 8 53.3 0.089
 • JAMA 8 13,466 3 37.5 0.651
 • Others (Archives of Internal Medicine, BMC Medicine, Circulation, Journal of Internal Medicine, Neurology) 7 4,243 1 14.3 0.006
Diagnostic category
 • Ischemic stroke 77 81,068 27 35.1 Ref
 • ICH 11 11,279 3 27.3 0.743
 • Ischemic stroke or ICH 6 6,874 2 33.3 1
 • Ischemic stroke or TIA 18 64,585 7 38.9 0.789
 • SAH 7 5,548 4 57.1 0.415
 • Stroke 12 18,140 4 33.3 1
 • Stroke or TIA 2 6,846 0 0.0 0.544
 • TIA 2 637 1 50.0 1
Therapeutic class—Broad
 • Medication 89 159,539 36 40.4 Ref
 • Procedure 20 10,083 7 35.0 0.801
 • Both medication and procedure 4 1,674 2 50.0 1
 • Other* 23 26,701 3 13.0 0.015
Therapeutic class—Specific
 • Antiplatelet 31 91,293 13 41.9 Ref
 • Anticoagulant 15 30,565 6 40.0 1
 • Fibrinolytics 14 10,211 2 14.3 0.094
 • Care pathway 21 25,810 4 19.0 0.132
 • Endovascular treatment 13 6,637 6 46.2 1
 • Other 57 63,729 24 42.1 1

*Other: educational material, care pathway, anesthesia plan.

Other: ACEI, anesthesia plan, antibiotic, ARB, BB, benzothiazole derivative, CCB, defibrinogenating agent, educational material, endothelin receptor antagonist, EPO, factor replacement, free radical-trapping agent, GCSF, glycerol, hemicraniectomy, hemodilution, insertable cardiac monitoring, insulin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) antibody, magnesium, nitroglycerin, NMDA receptor antagonist, platelet transfusion, peptide, PFO closure, remote ischemic preconditioning, sedative/hypnotic, serotonin agonist, statin, supplement, thiazolidinedione, transcranial laser treatment, US waves, uric acid, zinc chelator.

The sum of the number of trials based on the therapeutic class of the examined intervention is greater than the total number of trials, because several trials evaluated multiple interventions and thus were counted for each category. The sum of the percentages is greater than 100% for this reason.