a. Naive mouse lungs were stained for AEC2 (SPC+), AM (CD11c+), and MHC II. The filled arrow shows an MHC II+ AM. White / red co-localization appears as pink. Most MHC II+ cells were AEC2 (open arrows). Red / green co-localization appears as yellow. Bars show mean ± SEM of counts for 3 fields of view per section, for 2 sections from each of 2 mice. b. Naive and d5 infected lungs were stained for SPC, MHC II and viral antigens (MHV). In infected lungs, open arrows show MHC II+ AEC2, which are uninfected (MHV-); white filled arrows show infected MHC II+ cells, which are SPC-; the grey filled arrow shows a rare MHV+ AEC2 (colocalization appears as white), which is MHC II-. Fig 5a shows that in naive mice 70% of MHC II+ lung cells were SPC+. After infection, significantly fewer were SPC+ (p<0.001 by Student's 2 tailed unpaired t test), and negligible numbers of MHV+MHC II+ cells (<5%) were SPC+. Bars show mean ± SEM of counts for 3 fields of view per section, across 3 sections from each of 2 mice. c. Mice were depleted of CD8+ T cells (αCD8), given optionally either IFNγ neutralizing (αCD8αIFNγ) or CD4+ T cell depleting antibodies (αCD8αCD4), then given MuHV-4 i.n. (104 p.f.u.). At d9 lungs were stained for MHV and MHC II. Arrows show dual positive cells. d. For samples as illustrated in c, cells were counted for 3 fields of view per section, across 3 sections from each of 3 mice per group. The proportion of MHV+ cells that were MHC II+ was significantly increased by αCD4 (p<0.05) but not by αIFNγ (p>0.2). e. MHC II+MHV+ cells of mice treated as in b were identified as CD11c+ or CD11c-. Cells were counted for 3 fields of view per section, across 3 sections from each of 3 mice per group. αIFNγ significantly increased MHV+MHC II+CD11c+ (p<0.01) but not MHV+MHC II+CD11c- cell numbers (p>0.3). αCD4 significantly increased both (p<0.01, p<0.05). f. Example images are shown for the samples counted in e. Arrows show MHV+CD11c+ cells. g. Staining the same samples for SPC showed that essentially no MHV+MHC II+CD11c- cells were AEC2.