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. 2016 Nov 21;36(16):2215–2227. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.389

Table 1. CNVs in Wwox-ko MEFs.

Location Type Log 2 value Size (bp) Genes
(a) CNVs identified in MEFs from ko model17,a
 1 C2* Loss −1.054476 10 469  
 1 D Loss −0.403978 236 768 Alpi, Akp3...Efhd1, Gigyf2
1 H6 Loss −1.222192 10 163 Ints7
 2 A1 Loss −2.408214 148 674  
 2 H2–H4 Loss −0.636356 21 851 075 Gm826, Mafb...Polr3k
4 B3 Loss −1.203901 20 144 Klf4
4 C4–D2.2* Loss −0.65898 40 610 731 Mtap, Cdkn2a...Ccdc28b, Txlna
 5 A1–G3* Loss −0.636989 148 963 374 5830415L20Rik...Vmn2r18, Rfc3
 5 B3–E2* Loss −0.578451 55 052 717 Crmp1, Evc...G3bp2, Uso1
 5 F–G3 Loss −0.78408 37 496 038 BC057022, Trpv4...Stard13, Vmn2r18
 6 F3 Gain 2.251792 36 752 Klrb1c
 6 F3 Gain 2.726201 41 787 Klra22, Klra15...Klra10, Klra23
7 A1– B4 Loss −0.412604 48 525 504 Speer9-ps1, AU018091...Syt3
 7 D1 Loss −1.025512 21 457  
 7 D3* Gain 3.048525 24 522  
 7 E3 Loss −0.954134 11 544 C2cd3
 7 E3* Gain 3.55613 28 940 Trim12
 7 E3* Gain 4.681896 27 421 Gm6577
 7 F1* Gain 1.63469 314 615 Parva, Tead1
8 C2 Loss −0.757912 83 656 Ndufb7, Tecr, Dnajb1
 9 A3 Loss −2.24994 52 755 Zfp872, 1810064F22Rik
 9 A5.1 Loss −1.072671 93 850 Thy1, Usp2...Rnf26, Mcam
 12 A1.1–A1.3 Loss −0.743706 4 851 016 Lpin1, Ntsr2...Adam17, Ywhaq
 13 D2.2* Loss −2.147682 62 546 Fst
 14 C1 Gain 2.402886 199 383 Ear1, Ear10, Ang3, Ang6
 14 E4–E5 Gain 0.695019 8 370 044 Gpc5, Gpc6...Fgf14
 19 C3 Loss −1.09488 10 152  
(b) CNVs identified in MEFs from ko model3,b
1 H6 Loss −1.326041 10 163 Ints7
 3 A1–H4* Loss −0.59902 156 573 195 Hnf4g, Zfhx4...Rpe65, Gpr177
4 A1–4 E2 Loss −0.422696 152 029 615 Lyn, Rps20...Plekhn1, Klhl17
 4 E2 Loss −0.646968 2 226 341 Rere, Slc45a1... Kcnab2, Nphp4
 6 B3 Loss −1.294899 12 435 Nfe2l3
7 B1 Loss −0.429359 599 038 Snx26, BC053749...Scn1b, Gramd1a
 7 F3* Loss −0.887199 126 255 Gsg1l
8 C2–C3 Loss −0.469223 2 732 571 Zfp330, Rnf150...Orc6l, Mylk3
 12 A2 Gain 0.670557 2 723 510 Rnf144a, Rsad2, Cmpk2, Sox11, Allc
 17 A1–E5 Loss −0.475481 92 128 771 Rbm16, Tiam2...Adcyap1, Mettl4
 18 A1* Loss −0.50186 431 578 Svil, Zfp438

Abbreviations: aCGH, array comparative genomic hybridization; CNV, copy number variation; ko, knockout; MEF, mouse embryonic fibroblast. Losses in common between the distinct knockout mice are italicized; Copy number losses also seen in karyotype analysis are bold; Common fragile sites are denoted by asterisk. DNA was isolated using QIAGEN DNeasy Kit (Valencia, CA, USA). aCGH was performed by Genome Quebec. Data were filtered by removing CNVs that spanned three or fewer probes and were <0.4-fold (log 2) altered vs wild-type DNA. CNVs were verified as novel by removing those associated with differences between B6/129 genomes annotated by the Mouse Genomes Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (

DNA from MEFs established from two different Wwox-ko mouse models3,17 was isolated using Qiagen DNeasy Kit; DNAs of wild-type littermates was used in the aCGH analyses. aCGH was performed by Genome Quebec for genomes of Wwox+/+3/Wwox−/−53 and WT4/KO517 MEF cell line pairs.


Cell lines established from Ludes Meyers et al.'s17 Wwox-ko model.


Cell lines established Aqeilan et al.'s3 Wwox-ko model.