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. 2017 Apr 21;5:72. doi: 10.3389/fped.2017.00072

Table 2.

Summary of studies reporting the association between adherence to MedDiet during pregnancy and asthma/wheezing/allergic disease in offspring.

Reference Country Sample of (mother/offspring) Study design MedDiet score Asthma, dermatitis, and allergic rhinitis outcomes Primary results: effect of MedDiet Adjusted confounders
Chatzi et al. (10) Spain 460 C-S KidMedb Persistent wheeze and atopic (SPT) wheeze at 6.5 years A high MedDiet Score during pregnancy was protective for persistent wheeze (adjOR = 0.22 [0.08–0.58]), atopic wheeze (adjOR = 0.30 [0.10–0.90]), and atopy (adjOR = 0.55 [0.31–0.97]) at age 6.5 years Sex, maternal and paternal asthma, maternal social class and education, BMI, and total energy intake at age 6.5 years
De Batlle et al. (12) Mexico 1,476 C-S Mod.Trichc Ever asthma, ever wheezing, current wheezing, rhinitis ever, current rhinitis, current sneezing, and current itchy-watery eyes at 6–7 years No associations were found between mothers diet score during pregnancy and asthma or allergic rhinitis outcomes in children in the crude or adjusted analyses, except for current sneezing = 0.71 [0.53–0.97] Sex, maternal education, exercise, current tobacco smoking at home, maternal asthma and maternal rhinitis
Castro-Rodriguez et al. (28) Spain 1,409 Cohort Mod.Psal 1a Any wheeze at first year MedDiet (p = 0.036) and olive oil (p = 0.002) during pregnancy were significantly associated with less wheezing. Only olive oil consumption remained associated (adjOR = 0.57 [0.4–0.8], p = 0.002) Sex, exclusive breastfeeding, day care, eczema, maternal asthma, smoking during pregnancy, siblings, mold stains on household wall, and preterm birth
Lange et al. (31) US 1,376 Cohort Mod.Trichc Recurrent wheeze, doctor diagnosis of asthma and atopy at 3 years OR = 0.64 [0.43–0.95], adjOR = 0.98 [0.89–1.08] for recurrent wheeze. No association with doctor’s diagnosis of asthma, or atopy Sex, maternal race, maternal education level, household income, maternal and paternal history of asthma, presence of children at home, maternal pre-pregnancy, BMI, breast feeding duration, passive smoke exposure
Chatzi et al. (32) Spain and Greece Spain: 1,771; Greece: 745 Cohort Mod.Trichc Wheeze and eczema at 12 months Not associated with risk of wheeze and eczema Not adjusted
Pellegrini-Belinchón et al. (29) Spain 1,164 Cohort None Recurrent wheeze at first year adjOR = 0.436 [0.297–0.640] Nursery, eczema, maternal asthma, smoking in third trimester
Castro-Rodriguez et al. (30) Spain 1,001 Cohort Mod.Psal 1a Current wheeze, dermatitis and allergic rhinitis at 4 years MedDiet score adherence by mother and by child at year 4 did not remain a protective factor for any outcome Many environment factorsd

adjOR, adjusted odds ratio; BMI, body mass index; C-S, cross-sectional; MedDiet, Mediterranean diet; OR, odds ratio; SPT, skin prick test.

aModified from Psaltopoulou (22) (min–max score: 0–36).

bModified from KIDMED (23).

cAdapted from Trichopoulou (24).

dAge, birth weight and height, cesarean, antibiotic and acetaminophen consumption during the previous 12 months, oral contraception use, parental asthma, parental rhinitis, parental dermatitis, maternal age and education level, current paternal and maternal smoking, breastfeeding, siblings, pets at home during pregnancy, mold stain, day care, type of fuel, TV video and physical activity at 4 years, air pollution, and colds during first year of life.