Differential expression of transcription factor (TF)-encoding genes and functional categorization in OsHOX24 transgenics. (A) Venn diagram (Left) representing distribution of up-regulated and down-regulated (in parentheses) genes in transgenic (H49) and WT under DS. (B) The significantly enriched GO categories in the differentially expressed TF-encoding genes in the transgenic and WT under control and DS. The differentially expressed TF-encoding genes were analyzed using BiNGO. Node size is proportional to the number of genes. Color shading is given according to P-value (white: no significant difference; yellow = 0.05, orange < 0.0000005). (C–F) Heat-maps representing expression profiles of differentially expressed TF-encoding genes related to response to abiotic stimulus (C), developmental process (D), response to hormone stimulus (E) and metabolic process (F) in H49_WT_CT (differential expression between WT and H49 under control condition), WT_DS (differential expression in WT under desiccation and control condition) and H49_DS (differential expression in H49 under desiccation and control condition). The average log signal values are shown by color scale.