The VOZ2 protein was degraded under heat stress in the ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent manner. (A) Degradation time course of VOZ2. Fourteen-day-old seedlings of WT Arabidopsis were incubated at 42 °C for various lengths of time (0, 1, 2, or 3 h). (B) The degradation time course of the transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing GFP-VOZ2-NES or GFP-VOZ2-NLS under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in the voz1voz2 mutant background. Fourteen-day-old seedlings of the transgenic Arabidopsis lines were incubated at 42 °C for various periods of time (0, 1, 2, or 3 h). (C) High-temperature dependent degradation of GFP-VOZ2-NLS is completely inhibited by a 26S proteasome inhibitor, MG132. Root tissues of the WT and GFP-VOZ2-NES- or GFP-VOZ2-NLS-expressing lines were subjected to SDS-PAGE, and then the VOZ2 protein amounts were analyzed by western blotting using an anti-VOZ2 polyclonal antibody.