(A) Recombination efficiency of Mad2l1f and Trp53f alleles in T-ALL samples as measured by genomic PCR. Numbers refer to tumor ID. (B) Recombination efficiency at Mad2l1 and Trp53 loci in T-ALL or samples as measured by array CGH. Each rectangle represents a single aCGH probe value, three probes values are shown per conditional gene: one probe recognizing the Mad2l1 or Trp53 deleted fragment (middle) and two probes flanking the 5’and 3’ sides of the deleted region. (C) Quantitative PCR showing complete deletion of Mad2l1 (probe A) and Trp53 (probes A and B) in T-ALL samples. Error bars show SEM for six (Mad2l1, Trp53) and three (Trp53) tumors (biological replicates). (D) Western blots showing loss of Mad2l1 expression in T-ALL samples. (E) Recombination efficiency at Mad2l1 and Trp53 loci in HCC samples as measured by array CGH. (F) Genomic PCR of tumor tissue for WT, FLOX, and recombined alleles of Mad2l1 and Trp53. Black vertical line shows where an empty lane was removed.