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. 2005 Jan;43(1):348–355. doi: 10.1128/JCM.43.1.348-355.2005


Origins of Blastocystis isolates analyzed in our study and accession numbers of their SSU rRNA gene sequences

Isolate Species Host Country of origin Reference Clonesa Accession no.
B B. hominis Human Singapore 7; Present study a, b AF408427, AY590105
C B. hominis Human Singapore Present study AY590106
E B. hominis Human Singapore Present study AY590107
G B. hominis Human Singapore Present study AY590108
H B. hominis Human Singapore Present study AY590109
S B. hominis Human Pakistan Present study AY590110
HE87-1 B. hominis Human Japan 6 a, b AB023499, AB023578
HG00-10 B. hominis Human Japan 50 AY244619
HG00-12 B. hominis Human Japan 50 AY244620
HJ00-4 B. hominis Human Japan 50 AF408425
HJ00-5 B. hominis Human Japan 50 AF408426
HJ01-7 B. hominis Human Japan 50 AY244621
HJ96-1 B. hominis Human Japan 7 AB070987
HJ96A-26 B. hominis Human Japan 7 a, b, c AB070988, AB091234 and -5
HJ96A-29 B. hominis Human Japan 7 AB070989
HJ96AS-1 B. hominis Human Japan 7 a, b, c, d AB070990, AB091236 to -8
HJ97-2 B. hominis Human Japan 7 a, b AB070991, AB091239
HT98-1 B. hominis Human Thailand 7 AB070992
HV93-13 B. hominis Human Japan 7 a,b AB070986, AB091233
Nand II B. hominis Human United States 33 U51151
B. hominis Human France 29 AY135402
B. hominis Human Thailand 43 AF439782
JM92-2 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 7 AB070997
MJ99-116 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 AB107969
MJ99-123 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 Identical to AB107968
MJ99-130 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 Identical to AB107969
MJ99-132 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 AB107970
MJ99-424 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 AB107967
MJ99-568 Blastocystis sp. Monkey Japan 1 AB107968
PJ99-148 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 1 Identical to AB107964
PJ99-154 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 1 AB107961
PJ99-162 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 1 AB107963
PJ99-172 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 1 AB107962
PJ99-188 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 1 AB107964
SY94-3 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 7 a, b AB070998, AB091248
SY94-7 Blastocystis sp. Pig Japan 7 a, b, c AB070999, AB091249 and -50
Blastocystis sp. Pig Thailand 43 AF538348
Blastocystis sp. Pig Czech Republic 29 1, 2, 3, 4 AY135403-6
CJ99-284 Blastocystis sp. Cattle Japan 1 AB107966
CJ99-344 Blastocystis sp. Cattle Japan 1 Identical to AB107961
CJ99-350 Blastocystis sp. Cattle Japan 1 Identical to AB107964
CJ99-353 Blastocystis sp. Cattle Japan 1 Identical to AB107963
CJ99-363 Blastocystis sp. Cattle Japan 1 AB107965
Blastocystis sp. Horse Thailand 43 AF538349b
CK86-1 Blastocystis sp. Chicken Japan 7 a, b, c AB070993, AB091240 and -1
CK92-4 Blastocystis sp. Chicken Japan 7 a, b AB070994, AB091242
Blastocystis sp. Chicken France 29 1, 2 AY135409 and -10
Blastocystis sp. Duck France 29 AY135412
Blastocystis sp. Turkey France 29 AY135411
QQ93-3 Blastocystis sp. Quail Japan 7 a, b AB070995, AB091243
QQ98-4 Blastocystis sp. Quail Japan 7 a, b, c, d, e AB070996, AB091244 to -7
BJ99-310 Blastocystis sp. Partridge Japan 1 AB107972
BJ99-319 Blastocystis sp. Pheasant Japan 1 AB107971
BJ99-569 Blastocystis sp. Goose Japan 1 AB107973
RN94-9 Blastocystis sp. Rat Japan 7 a, b AB071000, AB091251
Blastocystis sp. Rat France 29 1, 2 AY135407 and -8
S1 B. ratti Rat Singapore Present study AY590111
WR1 B. ratti Rat Singapore Present study AY590113
WR2 B. ratti Rat Singapore Present study AY590114
NIH:1295:1 Blastocystis sp. Guinea pig United States 33 U51152
Blastocystis sp. Guinea pig United States 26 U26177
B. cycluri Lizard Singapore Present study AY590116
B. lapemi Sea snake Singapore Present study AY590115
B. pythoni Python Singapore Present study AY590112

Clones with different sequences obtained from the same isolate.


Partial sequence.