Data are plotted to a relative clock hour with wake time arbitrarily assigned a value of 0800h on baseline Day 1 and all other times referenced to this value. Black bars represent scheduled sleep. Day 1-6 are baseline days with scheduled 8-h sleep episodes at the participants' habitual bedtime. Days 7-8 is a 40-h constant routine 1 (CR1) with 8-h scheduled recovery sleep. Days 9-33 are experimental conditions and Days 34-35 is CR 2. (a) imposed maintenance of a 24.0-h day for 25 days, and (b) imposed 24.6-h day for 25 days with lights out and lights on delayed by 36 min each day. Blood sampling segments denoted by shading on Days 5-8, 12-14, 19-21, 26-28 and 34-35. Cortisol assessed at each blood sampling segment and inflammatory proteins assessed at baseline Days 5-6 and experimental Days 26-27. Circadian period findings from 28-h forced desynchrony Days 36-49 previously reported in (Wright et al., 2001, 2006).