of the TM helix of glycophorin A (GpA), providing
an example of a protein–protein interaction within a membrane.
(A) GpA dimerization showing a PMF along a reaction coordinate (CV)
defined by the intermolecular DRMS to
the native dimer structure (PDB id 1AFO). Three initial conditions used, which
had either all replicas in the native configuration (“bound”,
blue), all replicas initially dissociated (“unbound”,
orange), or replicas linearly spaced apart (“default”,
cyan). Observed 4 energy minima are labeled 1–4, corresponding
to DRMS values of about 0.1, 0.3, 0.55,
and 0.75 nm, respectively. (B) Reweighted PMF along a CV corresponding
to the interhelical distance (the native structure distance is in
red at ∼0.6 nm). (C) Representative structures (in gray; wireframe
backbone) from each of the four minima labeled in the PMF in (A).
The two subunits of the experimental (PDB id 1AFO) are shown in blue
and in red. (D) Crossing angle distributions for the structures seen
in PMF minima labeled in (A), with crossing angle defined as a torsion
angle between flanking backbone atoms of residues number 78–88.